Monday, July 19, 2010

"Today we celebrate our Independence Day"

That is one of the best movie quotes I know. What a great opportunity we have to live in America! I was always raised to be patriotic. My mom always was and taught us to be. It never was in my plan to marry someone that was in the military, but it was in the plan to marry someone that loves our country. Think of it like someone like Captain Moroni. The 4th of July always reminds me of captain Moroni and how patriotic the man had to have been. I think of the Title of Liberty and how I married someone that would defend that with his life. Ammon is an example to me because I know he not only puts his life on the line for us, but for his church and for the rest of the people in our country. Not only that, but there are 3 million other military members that do the same thing. Without fear, those millions are unselfish enough to sacrifice themselves. Like Captain Moroni. I think of what his wife must've felt like. What was she like? She had to raise their family alone most of the time and must've been the most understanding "military wife" ever. Between her and Mormon's wife, I think about both of them often. Mormon's wife was left to raise Moroni and had to deal with the military since Mormon was sixteen years old. All of these MEN were great heroes, but what about their wives? I think they are just as great of heroes, especially for me to learn from.

Anyway, I am so excited to celebrate the 4th every year. Family, food, fireworks...usually swimming. And of course our yearly tradition of watching Independence Day (for the record, I would vote for Bill Pullman over Obama any day just for the role he played in that movie) is always on the agenda. This year, of course, Ammon had to work on both the 3rd and 4th like every other year. We made lots of BBQ meat and had all the trimmings like the great baked beans that with just the smell remind me of summer. Ammon loves watermelon and can't wait to eat that everyday in the summer. We swam and were able to go to Shaun, Gina and Chris's concert the night of the 3rd. The next day was of course church and getting to sing patriotic songs is always a highlight. Nap time and more food followed by fireworks and a movie. What a great holiday and a time where we remember those who serve and who sacrificed long ago.

Sloan, Zane, Gavin, Reese, Shaun, Gina, Amelia, Chris, my mom and dad, Matthew and I were all there for the 3rd's festivities!

Just posted this picture because I love my swimming suit. I'm not that fond of the body underneath, but I have loved having this swimming suit this year. Ammon did such a great job for Mother's Day don't you think?!


I made this cake that I found on a blog and I thought it was the coolest thing! I am excited to make it every year. It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I baked the layers the day of the concert (the 2nd) and put it all together the morning of the 3rd. I keep getting reminded how much I like doing this!

Since Ammon only worked the day shift at Botero that day, he was able to come home just in time for us to leave to go to the concert to watch my talented brothers sing. Gina was in the choir also.

Our 2010 Old Navy shirts. The concert was decorated so nicely! They had every different flag that we've ever had put up and had all the military stand. I have to say I got quite teary-eyed when they showed this great Powerpoint with music and pictures from the past and the present military members, wars and the 9/11 tragedy.

Singing and saluting. (How cute is Reese?!)

All the grandkids. I can't believe how old they're all getting.
(Time for another?!)

Matthew loving Brooklyn and her not caring.

On Sunday, Matthew came home with a great flag he got from nursery and he looked so cute decked out in his red, white and blue.

We watched the fireworks from my parents' balcony and didn't get to light much since it was Sunday, but Matthew LOVED watching them and pointing out all the colors.

Loved watching!


sloan said...

Im obsessed with matt boy and want to sqeeze his cheeks.... love him and that was a fun day....