Sunday, July 18, 2010

Matthew's Swimming Lessons

There are days where I wonder how I ever get things done without Sloan! She invites me everywhere! When she goes out with her friends, she always calls me. When she finds a class for the kids, she will always tell me. This time, of course, I had to take her up on the offer of doing personal session swim lessons with Miss Tara. It was eight sessions long and from the very first time Matthew saw her, he wanted to get in the water. At home, he swims and swims, jumps and jumps, but all with his lifejacket on. This was a great experience for him because he was able to get out of his comfort zone and do things on his own. He is BRAVER than I have ever seen a two-year-old be in the water and he learned so much from her. He loved getting in with her for the fifteen minute sessions and when we'd swim somewhere else, he would ask me to float like he does with Miss Tara and would remember the things from swimming lessons.

About halfway in, he realized that Mom was not in the water with him like I am everywhere else. He has been VERY attached to me lately and going to swim lessons made me realize just how much. Tara said that it was normal for a little boy to be worried about where Mom was while he was in the water and want Mom to hold him and be in the pool with him. She said that little kids, especially if they are attached to either parent, are forced to "succeed" without Mom or Dad. They are in the pool with a stranger and have to get things done without the person that has always been there for them. I know how much he learned from it though and I am so grateful for the choice we made in doing the personalized sessions! He has absolute NO fear of water and now wants to even float in the bathtub. I also learned to tell him that the wall was safe and that all he had to do was look for the wall. He learned quickly and made me so proud of him! I definitely recommend the swim lessons without the parent or other kids!


sloan said...

LOVE MAtthew... he is so cute and that was a fun time for us.... we need to sign them up again... ha