I know I've said it before, but there really is nothing better than raising a son! They are just so much fun! And the best part is that you really have all the control on how much they can like things or what they like. For example. If you really hate the idea of the Teletubbies, then you really wouldn't play it nineteen times a day. Actually you wouldn't play it at all. If you hate the thought of Barney, anything on Nickelodeon, most things on Disney channel and you're WAYYY over PBS, the way to keep your kid from NOT liking it is by NOT showing it to them! What a concept! BUT. Then there's baseball. When the kid sees it on all the time, hears you talk about it, feels your passion, at this age (2), he will share that same zeal until he grows up to realize it on his own.
Here are some shots of baseball games in our house this year. Not all of course, but it is such a fun time because you really get to know a person when you watch sports. You get to see if they're a sore loser (which to be honest, if you really like any team, it's obviously hard to not be sometimes--especially playoffs), their knowledge, you can learn their dreams and aspirations and their likes and dislikes. I love to watch it with my family because I think it's a way to grow closer. Ammon wasn't here on most nights, which I'm sure he was grateful for, but we had fun until the Yankees lost to the Rangers.
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