Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jeff and Kelly's Wedding

Once upon a time Ammon had friends. I promise. You'd never know it now because he NEVER gets to hang out with anyone or do much of anything but work, but I promise you he has them. One of those friends is Jeff Stephens. Ammon and Jeff were best buds in high school. They got their mission calls the same time, went through the temple on the same day and Ammon did the army route while Jeff graduated from BYU and went to law school at UCLA. We haven't seen Jeff much. In fact, I didn't meet him until he came to our sealing. I saw him once when we went to Disneyland. I've only met the guy like two, three, four times, but I know so much about him. When he told us he was [finally] getting married (we tried setting him up like three times!), we knew we would be going no matter what. That "no matter what" actually wasn't as easy as we wished it could be. It would mean Ammon would have to take off work at the restaurant, lose that tip money and we'd have to drive to Utah AFTER he got off work Friday night and be back in time for him to go back to work Sunday night. So, every Friday, Ammon gets up, is at work at 10, works a double shift and gets off and home around 2 am. He gets up and does the exact same thing the next day. So this particular Friday (the 30th of July), we were really hoping for an early night. I packed and got three hours sleep before Ammon got home at 2:20 am [not early]. We pulled out of Shell Gas exactly at 3:00 am with a big blessing of having such a great mother who is always so willing to watch Matthew. I don't know how this trip would have been possible if we would have had to take him that late and that fast of a trip.

Well, that of course meant that Ammon was exhausted. He stayed awake until Cedar though. I couldn't believe it! I drove the whole way and got a lot of thinking time in. Not sure how I made it without running off the road, but we got there, in good time, and got to see Ammon's mom since the wedding was at the Ogden temple.
At first glance for anyone who does not know Matthew, this picture would mean nothing. In fact, you can barely see anything worth taking a shot of. Well, not Matthew. As his mom, I spot things immediately that I know he's looking for and look for things I know will make him get excited. We saw about fifty trash cans in a park. In honor of Matt not being there, we figured we'd take him a present. One that didn't cost anything. Just a capture of blue trash cans!

We were about five minutes from Ogden and it hit me. I forgot my temple recommend. Serious? Yeah. Luckily, we have an amazing thing in our church called bishops and wonderful and understanding recorders at the temples who can easily access information with only my ward name! We got to shower and get to the 2 pm sealing in the Ogden temple, one I've never been to! I was so excited to scratch another one off my list. (okay, so I only have about 120 left to go!)

I have to say that it was such a great sealing. The spirit was so comforting and calming that day. Kelly's tears almost got to me, even without knowing her. Weddings have a way of making even the most stone-hearted person smile a sigh of relief for the couple of finally making it to the temple and the joyful ordinance that comes with it.

You know, I've been to a lot of weddings in my life. Since my dad was in the stake presidency and a bishop, I remember getting dozens of wedding announcements and invitations from people he barely knew asking for their "presence at a reception held in their honor." Not being bias at all of course, I have to say that my wedding was the best one I've ever been to. Honestly. The main reason was because I did EVERYTHING. I chose EVERYTHING. I didn't let anyone do anything for me. I guess that was comes with being anal about even the smallest detail. Jeff's wedding was definitely number two. The reception was at Kelly's parents' house and the home was one of the most immaculate ones I've ever been to in Utah. A huge property right on the mountains of North Ogden sits a home with an eight-car garage, basketball and tennis courts, waterfalls, a guest house, a playground for [future] grandchildren, gardens, an amazing yard with a spectacular three story house with a huge deck perfect for a wedding reception. I tried everything I could so Chris could marry Kelly's little sister!

We were welcomed by the carriage to take our gifts after we were ushered to our parking spots.
We got our bookmark place cards directing us to our tables where we were urged to participate in the "Saturday evening crossword" at each place setting.

The BEST scones I've ever tasted in my entire life.

We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stephens! On the wedding invitation, the name Jeff was on there three times. Jeff's dad's name is Jeff and so is Kelly's.

Best buds. They call each other hodad. Don't ask! Really, because I don't even understand!

As good-looking as Jeff is, this one is better don't you think?! Especially with that cute flower!

There was rain that night, but it was actually not a problem! AND, there came a double rainbow out to make it that much more beautiful. It really proved to me how man can never duplicate the beauty of God's creations. Everything at this wedding was gorgeous, but the best parts were the flowers, plants, the mountains and the rainbows.

Great food and great dessert.

Mr. and Mrs. Cute idea and this went over so well at the dessert table.

Dancing upstairs on the deck.

We got home that night and we were both so tired. Ammon fell asleep within twenty minutes of being back at his mom's and so I got to stay up and get to talk to his mom. I learned so much more about her and realized what a strong person she really is. She's gone through a lot and I gained a lot of respect for her and am so grateful for the person that made Ammon who he is.

We got up early the next day and got to go down to Salt Lake and go to church with Joanna and Shayler. It's always great to see Joanna. And we must think at least a little bit the same since we pretty much dressed the same that day!

It was a long drive home, but it was so good to see Jeff get married, his wonderful sealing, their beautiful reception and spend some time with Ammon. We missed Matthew but I know he had a much better time at home with Grandma and Grandpa!


MC Lewis said...

I say the same thing about Mark. "Once upon a time, Mark had friends." Between working graveyard and living in a different state that the people he grew up with, Mark doesnt get out much. I get sad for him, but I know it will get better one day :)...I hope. Cause seriously, when I met him he was the life of all the parties we went to. (I know he misses it to)