Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ammon's new calling

I guess our callings in life are to teach. Both by parenthood and in church. I've been in primary since I was 19. 2005: achievement day girls in between semesters during the summer back here at home. 2006: 6-7 year-olds, 8 months while I lived here and worked. 2007: Sandy ward team teaching 9 year-olds with Ammon. 2008: Sunbeams and 12 year-olds. 2009: While in Kentucky, primary secretary. And 2010? 8 year-olds back here in Vegas. Ammon was teaching all the youth in Kentucky and they finally decided they'd use him in Elders' Quorum so he could be their teacher. I've never actually seen Ammon teach a class (because you and I both know when there's a husband-wife who team teach, it's the wife who does the actual teaching. The husband is the enforcer and stands over the kids to make sure they lsiten), I know he does a great job in there. He always wants to bring ice scupltures (he got that from RM) and "doilies," but I know that from what I hear about any Elders' Quorum he's ever talked about, anything would be better than what he's had before! All I can say is that I need to count my blessings as to why I'm a woman!


sloan said...

GREAT for ammon... I want to see his decor... ha ha ha