Thursday, July 29, 2010


So it finally happened. Our son is potty trained! I actually can't believe it happened as fast and as easy (knock on wood) as it did. I just have to say that Matthew must be brilliant. Okay, maybe just sick and tired of having a wet diaper. But, I can officially say he has not had an accident in ONE WEEK!

The last week and half has not been easy for one reason. That is because we have only left the house about three times (other than our normal, church and playdate). We didn't even see Sloan. We didn't go to Target. No store and only swam two or three times. I'd do whatever I had to during his naps. He ran around without pants on all day long. He would ask me to go, that's how desperate he was to get out of the house. I can say that wasn't easy, but it has been so worth it. I really think that is what has given him the hang of the feeling and what to do. Thank goodness we're at a point where we can leave and he'll go potty outside the house!

Last Monday, the 19th, I decided it was time. I had bought him underwear before, but I got some new ones and told him we were going to start going in his potty. Monday he did pretty good and better than I thought he would. Only two accidents on the floor. Tuesday, two. Wednesday, one. Thursday, one. And he woke up dry after every nap since last Monday and hasn't even gone in his pull up in the mornings before I get him out of bed.

We started by giving him a lot to drink. I asked him if he had to go potty and he would say yes. So, we'd sit on his potty FOREVER. He sat down for 45 minutes that first day before he finally went. I really wanted him to remember that feeling so I sat in the bathroom for almost an hour doing anything I could imagine to let him keep his mind off "getting down." We sang Popcorn Popping probably thirty times. We sang Piggies, Wiseman, Spider, etc. etc. etc. I asked him every question he would know the answer to. We talked about the soap, the towels, their colors, what color he was (he now says he's WHITE, it's too cute. And hilarious), what Brooklyn was doing, and anything else I could think of. We did that a few times that day. Things were going really well. Then Tuesday happened. Same progress. He started to go less often and go more. He then even got familiar with the "number two" feel on Thursdays when we went to our weekly playdate. I can say that that day was his last accident.

By the way, I know he won't want to read about this when he's 13, but he looks so cute running around in these tiny little underwear. He always picks Buzz and Woody to wear, but whatever is on him, he looks adorable and like such a big boy!

I have been so proud of him though! I was expecting this to be the longest process of my life. I thought he would not get it and we'd have to try it again in a few months. I thought he wouldn't like it and that he'd rather be in diapers. How wrong I was! I love the smile he gives me after he knows he's gone because he looks at me and knows I'm going to be proud of him and he gets that gasp and says, "I DID!" I never want that to go away. (okay, I hope I don't have to be proud of him when he goes potty when he is 16 but still). I want him to want to please his mom! I want him to want me to be proud of him. He and I have gotten this great connection down in the past two years. He is so attached to me and I love when I walk in the door and he runs to me and holds on to my legs. He gets so excited to see me every morning and only wants me to hold him during scripture time. He asks me to sit down next to him when he's playing or watching Toy Story. He loves going with Mom. He is SO good (most of the time!) and I can honestly say that I love having a two-year-old be my best friend!

I am so proud of you Matthew and I love you more than you know! I am so excited to see what we have coming for us!


MC Lewis said...

Mark put Lana is underwear today. She did have one accident and hasnt gone in her toilet. We are almost out of diapers so I think we are going to try to get her potty trained so we dont have to buy anymore for her. Wish me luck! It sounds like you did a pretty darn good job. I think my problem is I dont want to sit in the bathroom for 45 minutes with her or until she goes. But I better suck it up and be a mom right?

sloan said...

YAY for matthew.... He is such a big boy and I am so proud of him... that is so good and he did it so fast.... yay for matthew... love you little man...