Tuesday, June 29, 2010

It's Summertime

This June has been so jam-packed with....water. It seems like we are either swimming or playing in water every single day. Matthew? LOVES it. He is the bravest child I have ever seen. He completely jumps into the water without any kind of fear in the least bit. He has become quite the pro at swimming with his lifejacket on. He loves to jump off the cliffs with Chris and can swim and float on his back for hours. I can't believe that June is almost over and that we will be pretty soon doing a post for summer 2011! When I was young, I remember swimming every single day in my parents' pool. I am so excited that Matthew gets to do the same thing.

We went one day to Mission Hills Park and got to meet Crystal, Carolee and Camren there. To our great surprise, Callie showed up with Emma and Owen! It was a great time thinking and talking about old times. What's so weird for me is that I remember when Sloan was friends with both of them when she was a teenager and I felt so young. Now? I'm married just like them. I have a child just like they do (even if they have more than one). It is so weird how years seem so much longer when you're young and how short they become year after year. I love that I can take Matthew to so many places this year and get to do so many things. This has been the best summer because he is old enough to love so many things!

Reese, Owen, Camren, Emma, Gavin, Evan and Matthew

I am so proud to say that Matthew wanted to watch Matilda with Chris and me one night. Not that it would matter if it were summer or not, but I have loved having Chris home this year. Whether you want to call us introverts or not, we love to watch our shows every night (like Bachelorette, True Beauty and our favorite CHOPPED!) or get a movie in that he hasn't seen or hasn't been able to see in two years. It didn't make him stop quoting them though!
  • "Your Mommy is a TWIT. You'll chop those off before school tomorrow or I'll..."
  • "You slithered like a serpent into the school kitchen and ate my personal STACK, do you deny it?"
  • "Get out of the streets you little do-dos."
I could go on and on. We have had this ENTIRE thing memorized for years and I do have to say we are quite the memorizers for movie quotes. We quiz my mom all the time. Her favorites? Home Alone 1 and 2 and While You Were Sleeping. Ours? Angels in the Outfield and Matilda.

One day, I took Chris to go to Dick's and I had my dad put Matthew down for his nap. I came home to find him with his shoes still on. I was laughing so hard. It's a dang good thing little boys have moms!

This summer, I think that I have seen Sloan, Gavin and Reese four or five times every week. We have so much fun swimming, going to the park, playing in the water, shopping, baking or doing not much of anything as we sit at home away from the heat. Here are the kids at Costco. Such a funny picture. Why? Boy does it show their personalities. There is Reese being the angel that she is.

For our June FHE, we all were at my mom and dad's house to swim. We got to BBQ and eat root beer floats. I was so burned that night but we sure loved matching with our Lime Ricki swim suits!

With Gavie and Amelia.

Matthew loves to jump off the cliffs!

One day in June we were able to watch Georgia Polk. She and Matthew had such a fun time playing and her obsession was Matthew's car! And since his obsession is to push things, it was a perfect combo!

June 7, 2010 marked my six-year anniversary from graduating high school. SIX YEARS seriously??? I can't believe it. We graduated on DreAnn's birthday so it was fun to take her out to Brio for her birthday this year. Mytae came and I have to say it definitely reminded me of old times from 2006. I'm the only one married with a kid and we can still talk and laugh.

I didn't think I was THIS white. Good thing I've gotten sun since then! Love my two good friends. Between them and Joanna, I am in good shape! It is so nice that even though I don't get to see them as often as I'd like, I know that I can still talk to them like I used to. They are so patient with me when I get into my "mom groove" of doing the same thing everyday. I have missed them!

Ammon and his two fish.

Matthew and Amelia playing in their high chairs. If Matthew has someone to sit next to him, he loves it that much more!

My son the fish. Really.

Best buds and favorite little boys EVER EVER EVER!

I have to say that this is the best summer ever! Matthew is my favorite person in the whole world and I love to take him places with me.


sloan said...

best summer ever better than 04 ha ha......

MC Lewis said...

We love going to the pool to this summer. We try to go 2 or 3 times a week. However I think I am still white and will always be that way :) No worries though. I have learned this last year that I would rather be white then have cancer. Pool days are great! Let's try to do one!