Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nate & Hilary's Wedding

We lucked out. Nate and Hilary decided to get married in Vegas. We didn't even have to go anywhere for it. We were so happy that they were finally going to do it. They've been together such a long time and it was so time that they did so. Nate is joining the Navy and it is just better that they are married. So they came down to Vegas and Ammon took Nate, Chris and Hilary's brother, Jake out for a "guy's night." It wasn't so much what Ammon had in mind at first, but things turned out okay and he was glad to have been able to spend time with his brother the night before he got married. We lucked out a second time. Ammon's days off are Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday just happened to be the day of the wedding and so Ammon had plenty of time to spend with his family, even though not many of them came.

They asked Matthew to be the ring bearer and he was the cutest thing I have ever seen! He carried the little pillow and they bought him a red tie and black vest and did such a good job. They actually had the ceremony on film so we got to watch it after the wedding and it was adorable to see such a little boy walk down the aisle.

The ceremony was at The Chapel of the Flowers on the strip. It was BY FAR the most amazing "Vegas chapel" I've ever seen. Nothing like you have in mind when you imagine all those weddings on the strip. I was so impressed by the place and the class it had. It wasn't a big ceremony with a lot of people, but it was so nice!

Grandma Moya was beyond excited to see her only grandchild!

Matt and Uncle Nate.

Aunt Hilary!

Waiting for the ceremony to begin. (We weren't allowed to take pictures during it, but I can say that Hilary looked SO SO SO SO stunning that day! And I loved to see how excited Nate was to see her when she started walking down the aisle. Us Mormons don't get to do that, and not that I would rather have it that way than the temple, but it was good getting to see someone we're close to have such a great reaction to their new bride.)

Pretty room!

The only picture I could get of Matthew with his pillow before they told me to turn my camera off. So cute.

Kevin (Ammon's stepdad), Matthew, me, Ammon, Moya, Patrick, Chris

Matthew spotted the trash truck at Carl's Jr.! Chris is such a good Uncle and one of Matthew's favorite people!

The wedding party (how pretty is Hilary's dress?!)

Everyone, including Bill, Moya's wife. It was so good getting to see everyone, even though everyone had to go back home to go back to work. Tanisha and Bryan, Hailey and Mark couldn't be there unfortunately, but it was good seeing those that could come, including getting to meet all of Hilary's family that I never got a shot of. Her mom, sister, brother and grandparents all got to come! It was so nice!

Matthew saw that we were taking pictures in the gazebo so he decided to be in the photo shoot.

Moya and her two daughters-in-law. I am so excited to have another sister in law in the family! It's been over three years now and I'm glad that it's Hilary! She is so nice and we are glad to welcome her to the Blair clan! She and Nate spoil Matthew almost more than anyone and I can't wait until they have kids so I can do the same!

Moya and her sons and grandson!

The beautiful couple! They seem so happy and I am so excited for their life together!

While everyone was in town, we went to Nate's favorite place, McMullin's off of Trop. Anytime he and Hilary come to Vegas, they have to eat there. It was great this time to have so many people there and Matthew loves being the center of attention.

With Kevin, one of the most giving people I know! We love him and Matthew did too (he did give him as much gum as he could get in his mouth).

Welcome to the family Hilary! We love you guys and can't wait to go through a lot together!


sloan said...

this was a sweet post... you look so pretty and matt loooks so handsome in his vest and tie... you did luck out having it here on ammons day off